Code Geass R2 – 23

by eternal on September 15, 2008

This time, Lelouch gets even more messed up daring.

That explains things…

Yup, he’s definitely gone mad.

Isn’t it sad, Cornelia?

Lelouch and C.C. make an awesome pair, romantically or not.

Is this a reference that I forgot, or did someone forget what colour ketchup is supposed to be?

Either way, looks like it doesn’t taste very good.

Makes me feel like playing an RTS.

Here it comes.

If you forget about the destruction being spewed into the sky, the water looks pretty nice, doesn’t it?

Once more, awesome mech is awesome.

And here comes Char’s Nunnaly’s Counterattack.


Well, I’ve gotta say, things seem to be smoothening out. To some extent. For a normal anime, the story would still be bordering on ridiculous, but by Geass standards, things seem to be coming together again after the utter trainwreck of 21. Of course I might be speaking a little early here, but after everything that’s happened, it’s nice to see some form of structure leading up to the ending. I think we all have more than a few plot holes/general incoherence still bothering us, but possibly as an aftereffect of that awesome tactical battle, I’m starting to get back into it again. Which is good, because we only have two weeks remaining.

Damn that Schniezel, he’s always got something up his sleeve. Whatever it is Sunrise has done up to this point, though, I have faith that they’ll pull through somehow; if anything, I’ll be interested to see just how this guy ends up dead.

…Unless he won’t end up dead? You never know with these people; you really never know.


{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

GNdynames September 16, 2008 at 9:05 am

Code Geass is has gone so crazy that every episode is like a separate series D=

GNdynamess last blog post..Clubs Week~


GNdynames September 16, 2008 at 9:06 am

Code Geass *has*

GNdynamess last blog post..Clubs Week~


ETERNAL September 16, 2008 at 3:38 pm

GNdynames: lol, that’s pretty much the case. Each episode these days contains enough WTF to sustain an entire 26 eps of an average anime series XD


James September 16, 2008 at 5:23 pm

“Each episode these days contains enough WTF to sustain an entire 26 eps of an average anime series XD”

Yes i agree but that’s why we all love (or hate :p) Code Geass that much ^^

Jamess last blog post..Pastel Ink Popup Vignette 1/8 (GoodSmile)


Saku September 16, 2008 at 7:50 pm

purple ketchup is just gross -_-;;


BandAiD September 16, 2008 at 8:27 pm

I’m convinced the series will end with the planet exploding. I don’t think even Sunrise knows where things are going either.


Rin September 16, 2008 at 11:27 pm

This story is going all over the place!!!
It’s getting confusing what is going to happen at the end of the series…
The good thing is, after this series, second season of Gundam 00!!!!!

Rins last blog post..New Theme Coming Soon!!!


ETERNAL September 17, 2008 at 3:22 pm

@ James: I suppose the elitists or whomever would say otherwise, but for me, it really is more love than hate.

@ Saku: Indeed. I’d rather not think about what it’s made of >_>

@ BandAiD: Heh, I’d like to see it happen XD

@ Rin: Gundam and Geass sure worked out well, didn’t they? The moment 00 finished, R2 started, and now pretty soon we’re going to be back to Gundam again. It’s a good time for mecha-with-story fans ^^


Nathalie March 11, 2020 at 9:31 am

I have a little idea about the ketchup color reference .
This scene with Nina who’s eating is just after the CC and Lelouch on bed scene.
With this PURPLE ketchup there is GREEN salad…
(Purple and green are Lelouch and CC’s colors)
Maybe a little wink to tell us that Lelouch and CC are not just sit down on the bed….. they maybe do other things off screen…. (I want to believe that. I like very much this idea!)
I really would want a more explicit scene between them (same for the movie, event if he has more…)


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